About Us

Your Hands & Feet: Narrators Of Your Journey

Your hands hold stories, fleeting memories, and countless moments. They embrace loved ones, pen down dreams, and wave hellos and goodbyes. Your feet have walked miles, braved terrains, and danced through life’s highs and lows. They deserve more than routine care. They deserve indulgence. At LA VIE, we celebrate these stories, pampering every inch with unmatched artisanal precision, letting them shine and express with renewed vigor.

Nail salon Lighthouse Rd 1

Elixirs & Expertise: The Heart Of LA VIE

Marrying age-old traditions with the latest advancements, our treatments are curated from the finest elixirs and products the world has to offer. But it’s not just about the products. Our nail technicians are more than just experts; they are artists who sculpt, design, and breathe life into every manicure and pedicure. They are the connoisseurs of care, the maestros of manicures, and the sages of spa tranquility, ensuring every client leaves with a sense of accomplishment and rejuvenation.
Nail salon Lighthouse Rd 3

A Symphony Of Sensations

Beyond the visible results, LA VIE offers an experience—a symphony of sensations. The soft, rhythmic whisper of our luxurious lotions being massaged into your skin, the harmonious hum of a perfect pedicure, the gentle clink of our tools ensuring each nail embodies perfection. Each of these moments, individually delightful, combine to create the unparalleled LA VIE experience.